Uncle MO Update

fbwinnersfbwinners Senior Member
edited April 2011 in Horse Racing Forum
I have been told today that Uncle Mo has had something done to one of his ankles, this isn't public knowledge as of now but probably will come out before the derby. This is why he has been keep under cover as of know. This is the main reason he has had this schedule and hasn't been thrown to real comp this year. Look for Uncle Mo not to make the starting gate on May 7, 2011. There is more behind the story on this and I hope I can get the info for you all. STAY TUNED!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sad thing this is a big injustice to the betting public especially in the KDFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • fbwinnersfbwinners Senior Member
    edited April 2011
    This is why the above seems legit to me, quotes by Pletcher below.

    Todd Pletcher, trainer of Uncle Mo: “I can’t make much excuse. Johnny said he wasn’t as relaxed as he would have liked him to be, although the fractions were fair. Obviously he got a little late the last part. I can’t say I’m shocked, but I’m disappointed.
  • MikenyceMikenyce Senior Member
    edited April 2011
    I hope he runs so he can take more money. He wont make the board in the derby!
  • DraynayDraynay Banned
    edited April 2011
    fbwinners your information is 100% wrong. Mike just talked to a friend of mine and said Mo came out of the race in perfect condition. There is no ankle injury of any type. And your statement about avoiding competition is just plain BS. Stop it.
  • fbwinnersfbwinners Senior Member
    edited April 2011
    My info is rock solid as always and this injury happened before the Wood and Timely Writer. This isn't the same horse as we saw last year and I could go into more detail but I gave my word I wouldn't, time will reveal the truth.
  • George AGeorge A Junior Member
    edited April 2011
    Draynay, your source is probably Jason Shandler, who suddenly seems to believe he's a confidante of Mike Repole.
    Trust me, trainers and owners don't give that info out to a blog writer.:nono:
  • fbwinnersfbwinners Senior Member
    edited April 2011
    I can tell you a little bit more as it's becoming more and more talked about now. He was brought to a facility under a different name and the hair on his ankle still hasn't grown back as of now, compared to his other ankles. I'm in the process of begging for the picture, but at this time of no avail.

  • KYracefanKYracefan Junior Member
    edited April 2011
    Draynay wrote: »
    fbwinners your information is 100% wrong. Mike just talked to a friend of mine and said Mo came out of the race in perfect condition. There is no ankle injury of any type. And your statement about avoiding competition is just plain BS. Stop it.
    Draynay :wacko: you really need to stop pretending like you know people in the game.
    Your connection to Mike is non-existent and your friend Jason is really not on the inside with either Pletcher or Repole.They'll talk to him to get their message across but when push comes to shove and things get sticky he'll find out just how much they trust him 00000000,
  • KYracefanKYracefan Junior Member
    edited April 2011
    Draynay you have no pipeline to Mike and your friend JS isn't on the inside either. Get a grip and realize they only tell him what they want him to know, which isn't much.
  • KYracefanKYracefan Junior Member
    edited April 2011
    Hey if you get a picture that would be great.

    There is always talk around the track but this seems to have some teeth to it.
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