Live Firster at Arlington tomorrow

fbwinnersfbwinners Senior Member
edited May 2011 in Horse Racing Forum
Vickis Got Swagger will lead straight from the gate wire in this 4/12, has solid works and the word I'm hearing is Wayne C. is live all over the card today at Arlington.

Race 1

#1 - Vickis Got Swagger - wp


  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited May 2011
    I know the Catalano 2yo's were generally running pretty well up there last year. Thanks for the pointing this one out. Btw, i've kind of been keeping an eye on the Arlington entries because i knew they were getting ready to start running these things. Is this the first 2yo race for straight maidens at the meet? I don't remember a previous one, i don't think.
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited May 2011
    Just got done looking at Vickis Got Swagger. It seems that 3 of her 4 drills have come heads-up with an unraced 2yo filly named Class Break.
  • rumplerumple Member
    edited May 2011
    Great trip and no excuses, the horse stunk.
  • topplayertopplayer Senior Member
    edited May 2011
    Vicki lost her swagger...
  • fbwinnersfbwinners Senior Member
    edited May 2011
    rumple wrote: »
    Great trip and no excuses, the horse stunk.

    You know your last few post regarding DC Super Bowl Prop and my post of this selection today are totally out of line. The one reason I only post at this forum and this forum only is that this is a legit forum and we don't need the likes of you around here. I really haven't seen you bring anything to this forum but disrespect, it time for you to say goodbye.

    Regards, FB
  • rumplerumple Member
    edited May 2011
    I didnt criticize you or your pick, I just said the horse had no excuse. I enjoy your insight and apologize for rubbing you the wrong way.
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited May 2011
    I thought the winner looked pretty good. Very speedy from the gate.
  • John GreenhawJohn Greenhaw Senior Member
    edited May 2011
    I think they snuck in the winner from a Quarter-horse track! His speed and acceleration was truly impressive, and he carried it damned well for 4 1/2 furlongs. However, no need to put this one on the horses to watch list because any 2yo who goes that fast is sure to encounter physical problems. I make this bold statement with plenty of first hand experience as I have seen this pattern over and over again where a 2yo blows your mind and then is never heard from again. Does the name "Wesley Ward" come to mind? Not to pick only on Wes Ward, because any 2yo racing early has a very good chance of coming down with the usual list of problems.

    Now I'm starting to get pissed! I know A very big owner from Little Rock who had a very good stable with Hobby this winter at Oaklawn. By the end of the meet, I don't think any of them were without some type of injury. I could go on and on, but suffice to say that every fucking one of my horses is sitting on the bench right now with serious problems which have required substantial vet payments. This is the time of year when you hope to race often enough to pay the bills and hopefully, make a little. But alas, all you're hopes and dreams up in a cloud of fucking smoke and another invoice from Rood & Riddle. I better stop now before I'm banned from the HRT Forum!
  • fbwinnersfbwinners Senior Member
    edited May 2011
    ISELLPICS wrote: »
    I am new here, FBWINNERS and i don't kow anyone. I read your post yesterday on Swagger and i have to say that when you make a post like that, meaning that saying the horse has solid works, will go gate to wire and you are "hearing' that Wayne Catalano is "live" all over the card, it seems like you are screaming "mortal lock".

    I would expect some ribbing if i made a post like that and the horse lost. Heck, i sell my picks for a living and my customers do very well, but you give them just one loser that may have their mothers name or one that they won on before or one that gets a bad, bad trip and i get grief, so I refrain from qanything more than the name and the reasoning.

    On the other hand, if this guy constantly berates you , then just let it go.

    Either way.....good luck.


    I have been selling picks since 96 to a private customer list and we also do very well. I don't mind ribbing from anyone. But if you ribb please provide quality info on the board as well that is all I ask. I don't just don't ribb as I know first hand how many hours I spend each and everyday to provide winners for my clients. If you don't have a bankroll then you don't need to be wagering!!!!!! Please provide your site so I can purchase some of your picks, I like seeing what others come up with and I don't spare any cost in making myself better or adding quality info to my other sources. You can send your site to or you can post it right here.

    Regards, FB
  • rhgrahamrhgraham Senior Member
    edited May 2011
    fb the info that you provide is in my mind always informative and appreciated. The couple of people that rip you probably lost their lunch money on the horse. I'm sure that this will not deter you from continuing to do what you do best provided winners.

    Ps if every horse was a winner I wouldn't have to work this afternoon.

  • fbwinnersfbwinners Senior Member
    edited May 2011
    Let me get one thing straight for all. I'm not upset that someone said something about the horse. What gripped me was he made a negative comment on DC's Super Bowl prop and then comes back with another negative comment. Don't just lurk around and pounce when someone's selection goes down, anyone can do that.
  • topplayertopplayer Senior Member
    edited May 2011
    What is the site for ISellpicks?
  • JLow0813JLow0813 Junior Member
    edited May 2011
    The horse looked solid on paper... I just don't bet firsters breaking from the rail.
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