Getting started with horse racing...

cooziecoozie Junior Member
edited May 2011 in Horse Racing Forum
Hey everyone, hope your Memorial Day was great. Sorry if this post has been done before or is just incredibly dumb, but I'm a bit of a newbie to horse racing.

I live in NJ, and it all started when a pal of mine suggested we go the the Meadowlands track on a boring Friday. I thought it was awesome. Since then I've gotten more and more interested. For the first two Triple Crown legs, I made the 15 minute drive each way to the Meadowlands just to place a bet. Now, I am so interested that I plan on going to the Belmont with my girlfriend, who loves horses. I just have a few questions and I would be so appreciative if someone can help out.

Has anyone ever been to the Belmont? I don't have a ticket, I plan on buying ones there. Any advice on the day? I know I get there early. etc

I kind of just blindly bet on my first visit to the Meadowlands. I tended to take horses who weren't favorites or longshots, but more to the tune of 10-1 to 20-1. I didn't win once that night. I bet $2 a race, and I stayed for 10. I had Master of the Hounds winning the Derby, and Mucho Macho Man winning the Preakness, along with a few exactas. Didn't win there obviously, either. Maybe I am doing something wrong. How does anyone know about those horses at the Meadowlands? I understand the more famous ones at the Triple Crown, but I don't get what to do there. Also, how exactly should I be deciding about the Triple Crown races? Now I just read previews online and in the newspaper, but sometimes those aren't that helpful. I never really feel too certain of my pick, although obviously I know nothings exactly certain ever.

Are there any betting strategies I should avoid, or try out?

Any advice on how to be sure I don't develop a problem? I love horse racing and I only started to care a month or so ago. I only have been to the track 3 times, and twice was for the TC races with no live racing going on. The one live time I was sure to only bring $20, and not take any more out no matter what.

Last but not least, besides this, are there any good sites I can read up on horse racing every day on? Good blogs? Anything, really.

Again, I really appreciate it. Thank you for your patience everyone. Have an awesome day.


  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited May 2011
    Welcome to HRT!

    Lots of questions there, lol. We'll do what we can to help. You almost kind of sound like me when i first started...i just went to the racetrack to check it out, liked it a lot, and then started going more frequently. I had to start from scratch just like you, and truth be told that was probably the most fun i've had handicapping, right at the very beginning. Unfortunately, i didn't have any place like HRT where i could read posts or anything, i just went to the bookstore and bought some books. The first book was Beyer on Speed, which was fun to read, but the book that i probably learned the most from was "Thoroughbred Handicapping" by Steve Davidowitz. I also found the "Expert Handicapping" by Dave Litfin pretty helpful.

    As far as internet sites to read, check out My favorite blog is Left at the Gate, where i'm a long-time participant, although it's not updated as frequently as is was back in the day, and the blogger (Alan Mann) tends to focus a lot on the business sire of racing these days (as opposed to analysis and s forth). Still a great read though.

    Of course i'm biased, but i think we probably have the best posting forum right here. Several very knowledgable posters, including a few that pick up some nice barn info from time to time. We hope you enjoy your stay here...
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