Bob Baffert's Twitter

DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
edited October 2011 in Horse Racing Forum
Was just browsing through Bob Baffert's Twitter page, and saw this tweet:

Midnightlute Bob Baffert
Going to tweet a winner every week starting this weekend. Stay tuned. Going to call it Steam Release.

He later posted the horse "Contested" as a "Steam Release" on Oct. 2nd. Contested did win, albeit @ $4.00. Something interesting we may have to keep an eye on here...

PS - Might've paid $4.00 BECAUSE Baffert tweeted it? Who knows.


  • 2W2P2S2W2P2S Senior Member
    edited October 2011
    He was 3 for 3 with winners, and they came just before post so you have to be ready..........he said he was getting in trouble and wasn't going to tweet any more horses, but that was at Del Mar so he must have changed his mind.
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