Caracortado = WOW!!!! Maybe.

dirtyshirtdirtyshirt Senior Member
edited January 2012 in Horse Racing Forum
Maybe it was just the switch from Talamo to Bejarano, but this fucker flew home. Trevor (and me, who singled him on almost everything) had already ruled him out crossing the dirt. Denman said "Something wrong with Caracortado, he did not fire today." He might have come home in 20 flat.

Very impressive - DC see if you can get me a price quote for the BC turf sprint on Caracortado.


  • dirtyshirtdirtyshirt Senior Member
    edited January 2012
    Oh, and California racing rans will love this: Cambiocorsa's daughter Vionnet won going 6.5 down the hill. Oh the memories.
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited January 2012
    Ask me in September or October. They likely won't be up until then.
  • dirtyshirtdirtyshirt Senior Member
    edited January 2012
    Ask me in September or October. They likely won't be up until then.

    I'm making a trip for Super Bowl. Could I get them to write it? Just for a couple hundred bucks. I'll take 100-1 maybe 80-1. Who knows, he could be an amazing grass miler with Bejarano up.
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited January 2012
    No way. I don't even think they have Classic odds up yet. Those generally go up around March. Then it's another nice long wait (at least few months) until the first "other" races goes up. The Turf Sprint is one of the very last ones to get posted. That and the Juvenile races. Those come so late, they can hardly even be considered futures anymore.
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