Definition of an Idiot!!

Horsin~AroHorsin~Aro Senior Member
edited February 2012 in Horse Racing Forum
Today at my home OTB bradley teletheatre in Ct. They hauled away (which really suprised me bein a sunday) a 10 percenter. My girl that runs the facility said the dumb ass is 50, on social security disability, AND ( here is where he is such an IDIOT!!) used his points card for every transaction. EVEN the ones he cashed for the tax fraud. I guess they said to him that they want to know how being on SSD. he could afford certain plays. his card showed he made(cashed someone elses tickets) a $4500 wager and cashed a $7500 ticket and several $1000 plays with winnings enough for a tax voucher. My definition of one dumb ass!!
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