
ShowDoughShowDough Banned
edited August 2012 in Horse Racing Forum
Morning, 2/2 yesterday 13/24 total . Had a nice day at AP. today's card looks not so good.but I found 3 plays.

Race 4: 3-Bay Head Beauty-J.Servis/J.Lezcano have been a potent combination.Servis just claimed her from R.Dutrow Jr. Hope the drugs have dissipated. SHOW only.

Race 6: 5-Gaelico-2nd time over the course . Castellano rides, expect better today.

Race 7: 4-Shahalie Slammer-Bob Hess having a tough meet. Two 6F drills, then 4F and a recent 3F
Tells me this gal from Grand Slam gets Hess off the schneider.

As always good luck to everyone today.


  • ShowDoughShowDough Banned
    edited August 2012
    Race 4: Lezcano made his move a bit to soon and ran 4th.

    Race 6: Gaelico ran a nice race and held on for 3rd. $ 4.00

    Race 7: My Hess Firster never picked up a hoof. An awful 10 th.

    Bad day. 14/27.

    I will be leaving in the AM to Paradise Island for 10 days. Sports betting,NO taxes !
    Have a great Travers week.
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