NYRA Reorganization

ShowDoughShowDough Banned
edited September 2012 in Horse Racing Forum
As we all know very soon Gov.Cuomo will be naming 8 people as well as a Chairman to the NYRA board.The Senate & Assembly will each have 2 picks and NYRA will have 5. In addition the Horsemen and Breeders will have an appointee.

I truly feel when the Government rules racing it won't be good for the few fans left and us handicappers. NYRA needs to sell its product EVERY day in the papers,TV, and radio.
Most casual fans think Belmont is only open for the Belmont Stakes.
They need to get an infusion of younger fans, us old farts are fading away.

Growing up I couldn't wait to go to the track with Grandma and Dad, I can't get either of my kids ever to the races. The " slot dollars" are just band-aids on a very mediocre product at best.

The thoroughbred industry needs KY,New York,California racing to be strong. I just hope the Government is doing right for the horses,breeders,owners, and trainers, as well as the fans.
I have my doubts, your thoughts please.


  • wire2wirewire2wire Senior Member
    edited September 2012
    I think NYRA has to make their product more appealing to a NEW GENERATION of horse players...w2w
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