1 Horse, 1 Game, MANY Bourbons

ShowDoughShowDough Banned
edited September 2012 in Horse Racing Forum
Morning all, I am off to watch the California Golden Bears stop the Ohio State Schmuckeyes!

I'm taking + 9 1/2 for the 1st half, also taking the + 17 for the game. As of now my guy doesn't have a money line, but will check back around 11 AM EST.

One race at Belmont : Race 3: 3- Hope Still Springs-3rd race back from a layoff. Castro riding back, sits off the speed and gets up at the wire. W-P only.

Off to tailgate, we have the wings, burgers, sausage. My " adult beverage" today is Old Rip Van Winkle 10 year Bourbon. A splash of coke and watch the " little fillies" partying.

Wish you all great luck at the track and with the games.Go Golden Bears !!!


  • ShowDoughShowDough Banned
    edited September 2012
    Lucky Schmuckeyes, Son of a Bitch!! They were totally outplayed, but yet won the F- in' game.

    But on a gambling note, I lost the 1st half, won the 2nd half and the game.
    And my horse won he paid 8.60 4.80. Now a little nap and get ready for the Irish!!
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