Cigar Shop?????
Senior Member
You posted at THE RX, until you lost the bet to ULTIMATE Selector last week and you owe him 300.00...I would be glad to link the reasons I know it is you, and in fact there were some days early on posting here that you posted the same thread at both places....only difference is after you left here you called yourself O' Farter across the street......You guys can move this if you want or delete it, i just hate to see other get burned by this guy.....
Thanks for the heads up. I've never taken him seriously, but if he's leaving a trail, just ban him. I honestly don't care about the cash, it's principle.
This guy is lucky DC talked him off the G stack bet, because if he tried to ass-bet that much I would beat his fucking ass. Aluminum Louisville bat style.
I'll have the IT kids in my office figure out who it is, home address, email and facebook passwords etc. When I get his email contacts, we'll get $200 worth of entertainment. Easily.
If he's over 18 (and I can't imagine he's not), I have no problem fucking up his deal.
Ha ha just read that post you are talking about. This guy is bad news
In the future, don't give me a hard time for "hassling the new guy." There's plenty of new people I've given the benefit of the doubt, but I've got a 6th sense for bullshit, and I called that one straight from the start.
:surrender: lol 6sense wow the 9th wonder of HTR:yes: