7-26 parx 3rd race...20 dollar box exactas

edited July 2014 in Horse Racing Forum
So far i'm down 900.00...duh boys upstairs think i'm crazy....but i am 1 fer 2 when i do my post parade...got beat by a 30-1 shot....but i am still 50% when i post parade....here goes...............#1....after the bell...last time at 25000 ran a close 4th....player.......#2.....rienzi....ran a distant 4th last time out...but was the beaten favorate and got claimed...HMMMMM....micheal pino claims duh horse and that alone makes him a contender.....#3....bartolome....big class drop....can't throw out.....#4.....nevada....will close late...has a better shot with a speed duel........#5....do a legger....last win at 25000 4 races back but ran a lousy ran at 16000.....yer guess?.....#6....velvet cap.....the sharpest horse right now....moving up in class....either gonna win duh race or bounce....i say bounce......soooooo............gonna take a 20 dollar box....duh 2 wit 1-4....also 20 dollar box....3 wit duh 5.....As always we need good racing luck......
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