Ralis to Rebel--Really?

John GreenhawJohn Greenhaw Senior Member
edited March 2016 in Horse Racing Forum
I like Doug O'neill and Reddem, and was pulling for them with I'll Have another, but this is just bat shit crazy! Ralis hasn't had a start since he brought up the rear in the BC Juv. His works coming back are pedestrian fractions and the Rebel is going to be 14 starters and some salty ones to boot! Whitmore and Suddenbreakingnews are logical runners and my clockers report is glowing over American Dubai. As long as Whitmore keeps moving forward he is going to be a serious player come race day!
What's the deal with Doug O'Neill sending all his stable outside of Santa Anita?


  • dirtyshirtdirtyshirt Senior Member
    edited March 2016
    I like Doug O'neill and Reddem, and was pulling for them with I'll Have another, but this is just bat shit crazy! Ralis hasn't had a start since he brought up the rear in the BC Juv. His works coming back are pedestrian fractions and the Rebel is going to be 14 starters and some salty ones to boot! Whitmore and Suddenbreakingnews are logical runners and my clockers report is glowing over American Dubai. As long as Whitmore keeps moving forward he is going to be a serious player come race day!
    What's the deal with Doug O'Neill sending all his stable outside of Santa Anita?

    Fuck it. I'm more concerned with reddam being a piece of shit. Charging 100000% interest rates to poor, uneducated, backstretch workers. World would be better without him.
  • John GreenhawJohn Greenhaw Senior Member
    edited March 2016
    Well , that's like just your opinion, Man! "The Dude"

    Seriously, I know Reddam is a shylock who probably doesn't deserve to draw the same breath as most but he was easily approachable when we were at Belmont. Could be that Cash Call is in need of quick money themselves? Nyquist goes to Florida chasing a $2mill bonus, and another goes to Dubai chasing 5 mill, and now Ralis goes to Oaklawn chasing $900k. Maybe those great unwashed have quit paying for Cash Call services?
  • dirtyshirtdirtyshirt Senior Member
    edited March 2016
    Well , that's like just your opinion, Man! "The Dude"

    Seriously, I know Reddam is a shylock who probably doesn't deserve to draw the same breath as most but he was easily approachable when we were at Belmont. Could be that Cash Call is in need of quick money themselves? Nyquist goes to Florida chasing a $2mill bonus, and another goes to Dubai chasing 5 mill, and now Ralis goes to Oaklawn chasing $900k. Maybe those great unwashed have quit paying for Cash Call services?

    No, he's being sporting, has more money than God. He's a better gambler than Milch, too. My close friends brother in law is in his inner circle, and the guy is very generous and friendly to everyone around him. If he wasn't Shylocking he would be very like-able. But that's like saying Jared from subway would be like-able if he didn't fuck kids... Guy's doing it.
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