Tax Time

kingoftherapidkingoftherapid Senior Member
edited March 2016 in Horse Racing Forum
Man, someone told me the other day, you couldnt claim your losses against your winnings anymore. i about had a heart attack. i've looked it up and that isn't true, right? you still can im pretty certain. anybody verify?


  • wire2wirewire2wire Senior Member
    edited March 2016
    you can still claim.
  • risky101risky101 Senior Member
    edited March 2016
    In 2014 I had to pay taxes on a superhigh five I hit for nearly 1300$, I claimed 1200$ in losses but this year when I tried to, my tax person said its only worth it if it was over like 6k , which it wasn't so wasn't worth it for me .
  • kingoftherapidkingoftherapid Senior Member
    edited March 2016
    it wasn't worth it? what do you mean?
  • kingoftherapidkingoftherapid Senior Member
    edited March 2016
    it wasn't worth it to claim your losses? then don't they want money?
  • risky101risky101 Senior Member
    edited March 2016
    I get a bigger tax break bc I make little bit of money and I can't claim both , so he said I would lose out if I claim my losses..
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