Pegasus World Cup

DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
edited January 2017 in Horse Racing Forum
I like California Chrome. I think the shorter distance will suit him better than it will Arrogate, and i'm not too concerned about him drawing the 12-hole (i would not switch places with Arrogate's rail draw). Also, he's reportedly been looking great over the local surface (heard that straight from Art Sherman's mouth, so that's encouraging). In addition, Arrogate is reportedly dealing with a minor foot problem right now. Whatever his chances vs. Chrome, that can't help. Nor can all the rain in California recently, which was causing some issues with his training schedule. I'm sure he's in good shape right now (i don't think he'd be here if he wasn't), but Chrome seems to be thriving right now and i don't think we can say the same thing about Arrogate. Plus, on top of everything else, i think Chrome will offer a slightly better price (Arrogate 4/5, Chrome 6/5?).

What do you guys think?


  • wire2wirewire2wire Senior Member
    edited January 2017
    Definitely a 2 horse race.I favor ARROGATE but am not wagering much on this race.Thanks for your insight.
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited January 2017
    Just saw some workout reports. Reportedly, Arrogate has been training extremely well. Foot likely not much of an issue. Should be a great race.
  • TrotmanTrotman Senior Member
    edited January 2017
    Baffert was in England early this week....he can't be to concerned
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited January 2017
    Pretty shocking result with Chrome running a clunker. He was being whipped before he even made it to the stretch. Apparently jammed his knee somehow (Sherman reported some fluid on his knee after the race). Reportedly better this morning, and headed to Kentucky for x-rays.
  • rayphilrayphil Senior Member
    edited January 2017
    How much of a stud is barely run and already earned 11 million.
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited January 2017
    I'm still kicking myself for not betting a future on him last year. We were talking about him here when he was still available @ 75/1. Think it was last June or July.
  • dirtyshirtdirtyshirt Senior Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm still kicking myself for not betting a future on him last year. We were talking about him here when he was still available @ 75/1. Think it was last June or July.

    Yeah, not only that every jackass in the world is like "I've been on him since he stood and nursed." I want to be like "fuck off, i bet him in futures - you didn't big mouth," but we choked.
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