Choose the Right Anaheim Divorce Attorney to Handle your Divorce Right

When it comes to protecting your family, you need an Anaheim divorce attorney you can trust. Nothing hits closer to home than divorce - and it has long-lasting consequences. California law dictates that marital assets and child custody issues must be decided before divorce is finalized.

Regardless of our role in your divorce, Jos Family Law is here to support you in your time of need. Whether we help you with a negotiated settlement, collaborative divorce, mediation, or trial, we will always preserve your best interests while representing you. We are certified family law specialists who are adept in all areas of divorce and family law.

Divorce Options in California

· Negotiated Settlement

Negotiating settlements with your ex-spouse can save considerable time and money. This process is usually carried out with attorneys representing both sides. We will preserve your best interests when it comes to personal assets, custody, and visitation rights.

· Collaborative Divorce

When both parties agree to work in good faith, they are helped by a team of professionals that includes attorneys, mental health professionals, child psychologists, and a financial consultant. They work as a team to help both parties reach an out-of-court settlement.

· Divorce Mediation

A neutral third-party mediator facilitates communication between both parties and uses problem-solving to resolve disputes. This is an amicable and confidential process that gives control to both parties rather than a family law judge.

· Divorce Litigation

Divorce litigation is the last resort when all other means break down. It includes presenting facts, evidence, and testimonies to the court - which has the power to make legally binding decisions that both spouses must obey.

Let us help you

Schedule a free consultation by calling 714-733-7066 or sending an email to today. We will understand your situation and guide you through the best possible option to resolve divorce.

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