Reputable Family Law Attorney in Orange County with Significant Experience

Child support is an important part of the divorce process. It involves the determination of the child support amount that the non-custodial parent must pay to the custodial parent. Several factors are considered in child support orders and modifications. If you are going through a child support dispute, don't hesitate to reach out to the experienced child support at Jos Family Law. 

When the question is of your child's future, you need experienced legal assistance. You need a child support attorney Orange County who understands your situation and has prior knowledge in dealing with cases similar to yours. Our seasoned lawyers understand the law and how courts calculate child support. With a combined experience of 55 years, we'll ensure your child's needs are met today and in the future with a just support plan. 

Child Support in California 

California law mandates the moral and legal duty of every parent to provide for their minor children's financial needs. It can be implemented against parents who are married as well as unmarried parents. This legal obligation to care for the child also extends to child custody determinations. 

Child support is often influenced by the child custody agreement. The custodial parent mostly receives child support from the non-custodial parent. Child support is an ongoing obligation until the child attains majority, but can be extended beyond maturity if the child has special needs. 

Contact Child Support Attorney Orange County

The child support attorneys in Orange County at Jos Family Law have extensive experience in child custody and child support cases. 

Contact us to ensure a fair and necessary amount that provides for your children's needs and is fair to the paying parent. 

Call (714) 733-7066 or send an email to to schedule a free consultation. 

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