Important Note for NY Residents (Vote is Tuesday)

HorseRacingTalkHorseRacingTalk Administrator
edited March 2008 in Horse Racing Forum
I know this post doesn't seem real, because this is the "land of the free." But apparently NY is trying to pass a bill which would force ISP's to block access to Gaming Sites, including poker which is still very legal in the U.S. Obviously this could be bad news not just for New Yorkers, but possibly for the entire U.S. as I'm pretty sure that the UIGEA bill that was passed does have a provision that allows the gov't to force ISP's to block gaming sites. Also as states like NY and California goes, so goes the nation. If you live in NY, I feel it is your duty to at least let your feelings be known. Day by day we are slowly morphing into CHINA...Pretty sad.

Poker needs your help! On Tuesday, March 11th your state Senator will vote on legislation (S.66) which will force Internet Service Providers like AOL, Google and MSN to block their customers from accessing lawful Internet poker Web sites and other gaming on the Internet.

This is a direct assault by the New York State Senate to censure your rights to access the Internet to play poker or similar games in the comfort and security of your own home.
Before Tuesday, please contact your state senator.

Tell them:

I am voter in your district and a poker player.
I strongly oppose S.66 because it restricts the free flow of information and services over the Internet.
New York should not follow the example of repressive countries that censor the activities of their citizens on the Internet.
Please vote NO on S.66

With your help we can stop this outrageous bill. Please call your Senator TODAY!


  • TwisterfarmTwisterfarm Member
    edited March 2008
    Save the Internet : Fighting for Internet Freedom

    Big phone and cable companies are trying to eliminate Net Neutrality, the principle that protects our ability go where we want and do what we choose online.

    More than 1.5 million supporters are fighting to keep the Internet free and open for everyone.

    Learn more about an issue that unites the Christian Coalition, Teamsters, PETA, video gamers, the ACLU, Gun Owners of America and many more.
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