Handicapping Vs Betting

edited January 2009 in Horse Racing Forum
GOOD MORNING ALL YOU DEGENERATES...............................................LETS discuss the key to being a sucessful gambler..........while most of us are accomplished handicappers and have been for many years--thats the easy part......BETTING is the key to coming home with cash in the pocket .....WE all have been enticed to play gimmicks through the years as the racetrack managers haved shoved them down our throats.....WHILE i still believe the flat bettor win--place player holds his own i have changed my betting strategy through the years...SINCE I consider myself a very good handicapper i found that the pick 3---4 {STRING BETS} work extremely well for me...i regularly cash many tickets some small some big many sign tickets {IRS--ENEMY}..lets take a look at the take outs from the pools the average track around the country takes about 25 percent..laurel only takes 14 percent the lowest in the country....LETS say your not a pick 3 player however you bet 3 races in a row perhaps making your own win parlay--you now have between 15--20 percent coming out of your personal 3 race parlay,multiply that and the cut is between 45--60 percent...LIKE I said earlier as a good handicapper it pays me to play string bets i cash many.......JUST for the record i dont venture into the pick 6 game..thats a california marketing joke they pride them selves as selling massive pick 6 pools.....they learned about this wager 60 years ago in tijuana at caliente racetrack...................good luck to all today...


  • foz1210foz1210 Junior Member
    edited January 2009
    I like playing the pick 3 and 4 for the reason you said, they are only taking out once instead of 3 times. It is hard to spread in the pick 3 because it becomes a losing bet if all the favorites win. What I like to do is play a $2 pick 3 with my #1 picks then spread (but no more than 3 horses) in a $1 pick 3. If my #1 picks come in I win the pick 3 twice and even if they are favorites come out ahead. Foz Fozpicks
  • turfmanturfman Senior Member
    edited January 2009
    lol..the old 5-10 at caliente, my dad hit the 5 -10 for for $100,000 back in the late 60's
    we would play the 5-10, and then stay and bet the 49er with the dogs. at post time at
    caliente they would hold the race up until they got the pool over $100,000 and that took
    about 1 hour pass post time. once hollywood park started the pick 6...racing south of
    califronia came to an end real shortly. i do play the pick 3's and the pick 6 when it is
    to my advantage. so thank's for the memories and wishing you and yours only the best!!!
    edited January 2009
    I Agree With The Pick Three What I Do Is Try To Have The Third Leg Going With As Many Longshots Without Getting Stupid Leaving Out Short Horses If I Have It Going I Flat Bet The Short Ones To Back Up My Bet. It Seem To Work Out. Also I Have Cracked To Code For The Grand Slam In New York And It's What We All Are Trying To Do Beat The 3/5 The4/5 I Never Use The Big Chalk And When It Runs Out Expecially In The First Leg The Slam It Always Big 1x1x2 With All There Has Been $5 Slams To $3500.00 Ones
  • studakotastudakota Junior Member
    edited January 2009
    Drove down to Caliente , AND BACK, on a weekend in 72 or thereabouts. The trip from hell we'd always refer to it. We both had to work on Mon. morning. My friend Orv. is gone now. Not sure that weekend didn,t shorten his life by a couple years. He said something I'll always remember. " Hell, even if we'd won we'd probably never get out of Mexico alive with that much money" Glad to hear someone got out alive with the moolah.
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