Track Variance at Derby

richbluesing09richbluesing09 Junior Member
edited May 2009 in Horse Racing Forum
I was impressed by the speed at which "Mine the Bird" did in the stretch to the finish. Did anyone notice how lucky this horse was ? I saw the overhead view of the final stretch and he just happen to "squeeze very tightly" on the inside to get by a horse to streak to the finish. If he had been blocked he would have never had won. In any respect I noticed his finish time and it was 2:02 something. I was impressed by this since the last sloppy track winner ran at 2:04:06 which comes to a full 2 seconds faster in the same conditions !!

My question is what is the timing variance between a sloppy track and a fast track at the derby.
Of course the time has a lot to do with how clear the horse had to get to the finish.

I would like to see what the speed rating is for "MIne the Bird" from the Derby.
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