Payoffs Aren't Made On The Basis Of Past Performance.....

turfmanturfman Senior Member
edited May 2009 in Horse Racing Forum
they depend entirely on what happens in a specific race not yet run, on a given
day, at a stated time, under current conditions. to the benefit of the sport, horses
can't talk. they can't tell a bettor how they feel on the day of a race. they can't let
us know if they are tired, if they're sick, if they're irritable, if they've drunk too much
water, if they've had a bad night in the stall, if they're annoyed by existing conditions.
most of all, they can't tell the bettor if they feel like running an all-out race.

there is no way to predict the kind of start a given horse will get. nobody can know in
advance if he will be boxed in by other horses at the time when he should make his
big move. nobody can predict a jockey's errors of judgement-and even the greatest
riders are sometimes guilty of them. there is no way of foreseeing accidents, soft spots
in the track, the breaking point of stamina that up to the that point seemed endless, the
horse's reaction to the whip under certain circumstances-dozens of imponderable

neither is there any way to know if the horse's owner is shooting for a win. is the horse
being 'TESTED". is he being given a work-out under racing cionditions to observe his
reaction, is it simply an exercise outing or is the jockey trying to win?

the above are a few of the many unknowns that make horse-racing the sport of gamblers.
favorites, over the many years i have played, have always won less than 35% of the races.
and yet, horse players multiply. why? most of all, it has to be that interesting combination
of science and luck involved in wagering. perhaps the exercise of knowledge for possible
profit is another. the saying all horse players die broke is untrue. nearly everyone knows
a good, competent horse player who shows a yearly profit off of his betting system.

and when i get that phone call from vegas, i will let you know!!!!

good luck and good racing!!!!!
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