Wire.............please Say It Aint So...no Trotters Please....lol..lol...no Herve Fillions In My Blood.....lol.....that Was My Introduction To Horse Racing As A 14 Year Old At Liberty Bell In Philly And Brandywine In Delaware..i Have Been Traumatized Since About Trots/pacers............
First time I went to ROOSEVELT RACEWAY IN 1962 I won $300.00...been trying to get even ever since...Those were the days of DEL INSKO...JIM TALLMAN & THE GILMOUR BROTHERS...w2w
I Had The Fillions Stanley And Vernon Dancer In The Philly Deleware Area As A Teenager....i Got Really Dangerous When I Was 16 And Got My Drivers License I Used To Shuttle A Greek Bookie To Liberty Bell As He Couldnt Drive...he Always Had The $5,000 Bankroll With The Rubberband Around Those Franklins I Was Doomed From The Get Go In Degenerate 101 Class....lol..lol.. Good Luck To You Today...........
I use to go to Aqueduct in the day and then to Roosevelt at nite in the 60's !! Sometimes to Yonkers also when Roosevelt was not running !!! I use to go to Aqyueduct to play horses for my neighborhood bookie !! If it was a good day he gave me enough to get me thru the nite at Roosevelt., those were the good old days LOL
Dodgers45............what Did You Retire Down In Maryland ??? Have You Been To Colonial Downs Yet ??? Me And A Few Degenerates Are Heading Down For Jun 19th--20th..saturday 20 Th Is Colonial Cup Day $500,000 G-2 On Turf They Have 4 Stakes That Day..track Is Ultra Modern From Everything I Read On There Web Site Looks Great...........