I.R.S at O.T.B

Ran down to OTB to change a couple tickets and pick up a form for tommorrow. My inside contact there told me the IRS stopped in today and took out 3 10 percenters. One of them, on state aid was dumb enough to use his points card when cashing tickets. Another was illegal I heard they were also contacting immigrations. :nono::nono:
South Park Episode Player - Cartman Gets an Anal Probe
As someone who has been audited for gambling winnings after a pick 6 score I can tell you that dealing with the IRS on any level is a nightmare!
I ran into trouble from table games where either they didn't track my play properly or I played at a Casino without a card. According to their regulations they are supposed to accept a Journal or Day Book with all the won loss entries. Yeah right! Anyway I know most people who gamble haven't been audited and they have a many misconceptions as to what really happens. This discussion is good for everyone.
Having the losing tickets count if they are organized by each day with a program. Having them all in a box mixed up won't get you too far. If the auditor is smart when he looks at the tickets he will look for time and machine number to see if the guy was in two or three places at once which is impossible. Of course some guys that know a teller can bet say $1000 to win and then cancel and get the cancelled ticket back. Of course if the auditor knows what a cancelled ticket looks like (mark on the bar code in Ca) then you're in trouble too. The best thing to do is keep accurate records and pay a reasonable amount.