..................Attention Everyone................

DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
edited June 2009 in Horse Racing Forum
Now that Draynay has officially been banished from the Bloodhorse blog, the possibility exists that he'll be posting here even more frequently than before.

I don't have a problem with anyone's presence here as long as they behave themselves, but this has gone on for long enough. I do not appreciate Draynay's incessant posting of needless drivel (such as finding a thousand new ways to say Fluke or Derby mud winner). He invades threads for the sole purpose of disrupting things, and attempting to stir up hostility and frustration among the members of this board for his own personal amusement.

I don't wish to ban the guy (and i'm not in charge of that anyway), but this has gotta stop. So i invite all the other members of HorseRacingTalk to join me in simply IGNORING THE GUY. Do not respond to him (unless he's engaging in proper conversation), either in his threads or in other people's threads. I feel this is the only way to solve the problem (short of banning). I realize the temptation exists to call him out on his stupidity, but everyone must bear in mind that it's highly unlikely he means half the stuff he says anyway. He's just doing it to provoke us......do not reward him by responding. When we do, we're only adding fuel to his fire.

DRAYNAY - Stop being an ass, and become a useful addition to this forum. If you think you can. Otherwise, leave. Regardless of whether the other members join me in my mission, i will not waver. I will no longer sink to your level. My goal here at HorseRacingTalk is to provide useful news matter and opinions, and engage in intelligent handicapping conversation. My goal is NOT to go back-and-forth with Draynay all day long as he sits at his computer and decides which horse he wants to slander next. It's a big waste of time and energy.

So please, everyone, IGNORE DRAYNAY until he finally starts behaving. And Draynay, start behaving.

Beginning now...........................................


  • DraynayDraynay Banned
    edited June 2009
    Interesting Discreet but show one post where I call someone a name or "slander" them.... and I will show you 10 of people calling me names like ahole again and again. I have never stooped to such a level and I don't take it personal. I simply express my opinion. I do not resort to name calling.

    Ignore Draynay ? Discreet when have ever called you a name or slandered you ?

    There are numerous people on this site that continue time and time again to call me names and if you notice I do not return the favor. I simply talk about horses and give my opinions.

    Get a grip Discreet there are several people that I talk to by private email that can't understand why you and others get so nasty. We don't agree on many things leave it at that. You have and angle here and you are trying to drive people to your site and I get it. Me I am just here to talk horses.

    Because my opinions are not shared by you and some others you feel the best way to silence me is to ignore me. It sounds like you are just a bit bitter and angry about something. I have no personal beef with any on here. I don't even know you or others on this blog. To be honest there is a few good people that email me and they know who they are and they are very cool and have been very nice. And then there is a few like you that want to run the board and tell people what to do. If you have your own site why don't you go run it and quit telling others what to do.

    I had a blast this Triple Crown Season and look forward to the Travers and the Breeders Cup. My opinions will be my own and we will not always agree but isn't that what makes a blog interesting. If we all agreed all the time think how boring that would be.

    I am a horse racing fan and a handicapping expert. Like most I have my good days and my bad but unlike most I am willing to put myself out there and take the good with the bad. A few days ago Calvin Borel guaranteed a win and he lost. He was dead wrong and didn't even come in second what should we do to Calvin for being wrong. What would you like to ban him from?
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited June 2009
    Re-read my post, Draynay. I never said that you slander people or call them names. I said you were slandering horses, which you were. Expressing opinions is one thing, and as mentioned, i don't intend to ignore you if you engage in civilized conversation. But expressing opinions is WAY different from what you've been doing in the vast majority of your posts (and you know it). I encourage everyone to express their opinions, whether i agree wiith them or not. You just don't need to be so caustic and overbearing about it.

    And you MUST know that it's not just me who feels this way. Bloodhorse was throwing a party when they knew you couldn't post for a month. We (not i) have made our feelings known here as well. I can appreciate that you like to bring a little "pizzazz" (for lack of a better word) to your postings, but you're WAY too over-the-top, and that can only be by design. Joking around is one thing, doing it all day every day is something else. It's clear from your above post that you're capable of discussing things in a normal manner. And that's all we want, some freaking normalcy. Is it too much to ask that we can get through a single thread with hearing you say Derby mud winner 3 times? Just chill out a little. I'm sure you're a nice enough guy. I'm not saying we have to agree on our handicapping, in fact it's better when people don't agree. That's what these horseracing forums are for, back-and-forth discussion. Not belittling other's opinions (and you're right, it does work both ways).
    edited June 2009
    Cat The Leach Got You For 1/2 A Pint...go See The Vet..
  • DraynayDraynay Banned
    edited June 2009
    Re-read my post, Draynay. I never said that you slander people or call them names. I said you were slandering horses, which you were. Expressing opinions is one thing, and as mentioned, i don't intend to ignore you if you engage in civilized conversation. But expressing opinions is WAY different from what you've been doing in the vast majority of your posts (and you know it). I encourage everyone to express their opinions, whether i agree wiith them or not. You just don't need to be so caustic and overbearing about it.

    And you MUST know that it's not just me who feels this way. Bloodhorse was throwing a party when they knew you couldn't post for a month. We (not i) have made our feelings known here as well. I can appreciate that you like to bring a little "pizzazz" (for lack of a better word) to your postings, but you're WAY too over-the-top, and that can only be by design. Joking around is one thing, doing it all day every day is something else. It's clear from your above post that you're capable of discussing things in a normal manner. And that's all we want, some freaking normalcy. Is it too much to ask that we can get through a single thread with hearing you say Derby mud winner 3 times? Just chill out a little. I'm sure you're a nice enough guy. I'm not saying we have to agree on our handicapping, in fact it's better when people don't agree. That's what these horseracing forums are for, back-and-forth discussion. Not belittling other's opinions (and you're right, it does work both ways).

    So let me see if I have this right. You are upset because I call the Derby mud winner a FLUKE.
    I do that Discreet because he is a fluke winner of the mud filled Derby. I told everyone who would listen the horse would not win and may not even hit the board. HE GOT 3rd in front of Charitable Man. I also told everyone who would listen he would not beat DUNKIRK and he didn't. What I did expect is CM and Summer Bird to switch spots but it didn't work out that way. A silly MAIDEN winner won the Belmont.

    The first two races since the fluke Derby mud winner won he has lost to a filly and a Maiden winner. He has raced a total of 5 times this year and won once. The other 4 loses on dry fast tracks. Like it or not your even money hopeful in the Belmont is a fluke winner of the Kentucky Derby. Discreet it is what it is. Its a shame Rachel Alexandra wasn't in the race... a 1:37 mile ? you talk about dying speed up front. The Derby mud winner got the perfect pace yesterday and still couldn't close the deal.

    My point is Discreet I saw the horse for what he really is. Everyone told me how wrong I was on how he was going to win the Preakness and how he was going to win the Belmont. Well he won nothing just like me. The big winner of the day was my partner Alex who bet Ken all day because he felt it was Karma after what happend to him last year aboard Big Brown.

    His simple 4 horse super box keying the 4 paid off very nicely... and all I had to do was chip in 20 bucks....lol... that's racing.
  • mcsockmcsock Junior Member
    edited June 2009
    I have publicly stated, I do not read his posts. He is a poor addition to any site and people like DC and Gamble and others have helped me a lot and refuse to have some goon with nothing positive or constructive to say posting his dribble.
  • DraynayDraynay Banned
    edited June 2009
    mcsock wrote: »
    I have publicly stated, I do not read his posts. He is a poor addition to any site and people like DC and Gamble and others have helped me a lot and refuse to have some goon with nothing positive or constructive to say posting his dribble.

    I guess you are another angry Derby mud winner fan. Sorry your horse got beat again. He should be getting use to it this year. So far his record for the year is ....loss...loss...win...loss....loss

    Will he win another race all year... doesn't look like it. :smoking:
  • hotbustophotbustop Member
    edited June 2009
    On board with you. Will not read his posts anymore nor respond!
  • edited June 2009
    Now that Draynay has officially been banished from the Bloodhorse blog, the possibility exists that he'll be posting here even more frequently than before.

    I don't have a problem with anyone's presence here as long as they behave themselves, but this has gone on for long enough. I do not appreciate Draynay's incessant posting of needless drivel (such as finding a thousand new ways to say Fluke or Derby mud winner). He invades threads for the sole purpose of disrupting things, and attempting to stir up hostility and frustration among the members of this board for his own personal amusement.

    I don't wish to ban the guy (and i'm not in charge of that anyway), but this has gotta stop. So i invite all the other members of HorseRacingTalk to join me in simply IGNORING THE GUY. Do not respond to him (unless he's engaging in proper conversation), either in his threads or in other people's threads. I feel this is the only way to solve the problem (short of banning). I realize the temptation exists to call him out on his stupidity, but everyone must bear in mind that it's highly unlikely he means half the stuff he says anyway. He's just doing it to provoke us......do not reward him by responding. When we do, we're only adding fuel to his fire.

    DRAYNAY - Stop being an ass, and become a useful addition to this forum. If you think you can. Otherwise, leave. Regardless of whether the other members join me in my mission, i will not waver. I will no longer sink to your level. My goal here at HorseRacingTalk is to provide useful news matter and opinions, and engage in intelligent handicapping conversation. My goal is NOT to go back-and-forth with Draynay all day long as he sits at his computer and decides which horse he wants to slander next. It's a big waste of time and energy.

    So please, everyone, IGNORE DRAYNAY until he finally starts behaving. And Draynay, start behaving.

    Beginning now...........................................

  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited June 2009
    I didn't see anything wrong with his comments in that thread. And i don't mind respondin to Draynay as long as he behaves properly. I mentioned that above.

    That being said, after i posted in his Rachel Alexandra thread, i started reading another thread where he was on his Derby mud winner kick again, and then i felt kinda stupid. So i guess i'll have to watch it.
  • edited June 2009
    We Were All Onboard Because Thats A Person Incapable Of Changing Or Listening To Others Views..thats Been Proven Time And Time Again..he/ She Thrives On Instegating And Controversy,we All No That...i Was Elated When I Saw Your Original Thread To Ignore ...in The Hope He / She Would Get Tired Of Talking To Himself--herself......and Just Go Away For Good......
  • DraynayDraynay Banned
    edited June 2009
    I just have my own opinions gambler you don't have to agree but try to cut down on the whining.
    edited June 2009
    Du-ray Push Is Comming To Shove..i Don't Think You Want That To Happen ...please For Your Own Sake Go Away ...
  • DraynayDraynay Banned
    edited June 2009
    DUMCO just move along.... nice and quiet. Move along.
  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009
    Dunco....that's a violation
    edited June 2009
    jtc1984 wrote: »
    Dunco....that's a violation

  • hue21998hue21998 Banned
    edited June 2009
    Dunco Leave Du-ray Alone ........ignore Him Like The Rest Of The Moa
  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009
    Not sure...but I think 41b states nothing to be done without the express written consent of the boss...that aside I liked what you said and would be willing to be part of the shoving
  • hue21998hue21998 Banned
    edited June 2009
    I just checked Dray has 30 days 3 hours 11 minutes and12 seconds left on the ban at bloodhorse. ya think we can pay them a bribe
    edited June 2009
    Over-under Du-rays Posts Per Day Next 30 Days ......25
    His Ave Right Now Is 9.65
  • hue21998hue21998 Banned
    edited June 2009
    3-5 on the over
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