Come visit my blog

DanipDanip Member
edited August 2009 in Horse Racing Forum
Hi guys,
I just started up my own blogging site, and was wondering if any of you would like to come and check it out. Don't worry i'm not trying to steal anyone, i just want to brush up on my writing and what better way than to blog on what i love, horse racing. I've posted on two subjects already, one on Zenyatta, the other on Gio Ponti. Please stop by and just kind leave me some critiques. I'm new to the whole having my own blog and want to know how i am doing. So please stop by and just give some constructive critisism, or your own critiques. Any advice, and comments are welcome. The site is Horsin' Around. Please visit and feel free to critque. Thanks!


  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited August 2009
    Should be fun to watch Zenyatta tomorrrow. Rumor has it she may face males next time, assuming she wins again.
  • SobrenaturSobrenatur Junior Member
    edited August 2009
    DC if Zenyatta loses it will be today..Im going to bet against her..
  • DanipDanip Member
    edited August 2009
    It should be fun, but i'm wondering if LIS could pull the upset. Zen is best at 9 furlongs, it looks like LIS is starting to get a better hold of the track. If that work didnt take too much out of her and she likes this track like she did Pro ride it should be one heck of a race.
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