Unique Bella

Mastery gone, McCraken with a strained ankle, Classic Empire with a bad back, Irish War Cry running a clunker, etc.
You'd think Hollendorfer would reconsider pointing her to the Derby. No doubt she'd be the favorite in the Santa Anita Derby if they chose to run her there. They probably won't, though.
You'd think Hollendorfer would reconsider pointing her to the Derby. No doubt she'd be the favorite in the Santa Anita Derby if they chose to run her there. They probably won't, though.
Paradise Woods is the name, btw.
BTW, I'm not sure who else plays TVG statewars, but I've already got $100 free.
Hope you're right. He's a very under-looked animal right now. Big shot in the SA Derby.
Btw, it looks like Battalion Runner is headed to that race also. I think Iliad rates a pretty solid favorite in that race from what i've seen so far.