3 Horse SHOW Parlay

ShowDoughShowDough Banned
edited August 2012 in Horse Racing Forum
I usually don't post these, but all the LOVE I have felt from DIRTYSHIRT I decided to post this.

Saratoga Race 1: 2-MAYA CHARLI
3: 4-TYJAR

Will adjust if any scratches. Wishing you all luck today.


  • ShowDoughShowDough Banned
    edited August 2012
    Scratches just came in. My parlay is as follows:

    Saratoga Race 1: 2-Maya Charli
    2: 5-Yankee Mickey
    3: 1-Royal Art
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited August 2012
    Just an FYI:

    Royal Art worked heads-up from the gate with Credit Call on July 23, and Credit Call came out of that drill to run 10th (dead last) in his debut just 5 days later.
  • ShowDoughShowDough Banned
    edited August 2012
    Thanks for the heads-up Cat....

    First race at the SPA 2-Maya Charli FADED AWAY after leading most of the way...

    Now I double up on the next two races...SIGH..
  • dirtyshirtdirtyshirt Senior Member
    edited August 2012
    ShowDough wrote: »
    Thanks for the heads-up Cat....

    First race at the SPA 2-Maya Charli FADED AWAY after leading most of the way...

    Now I double up on the next two races...SIGH..

    How did I know this would happen. You should give up on the act and try to learn something. Maybe one day you'll grow up to own one of the finest horses in the Ukraine.
  • ShowDoughShowDough Banned
    edited August 2012
    2nd Race: 5-Yankee Mickey $ 3.80 to SHOW..

    Hey Dirtyshirt, why don't you grow some BALLS and talk before the races start. Not hide in the bushes and be a BITCH when I lose.

    I don't hide from ANYONE..
  • dirtyshirtdirtyshirt Senior Member
    edited August 2012
    ShowDough wrote: »
    2nd Race: 5-Yankee Mickey $ 3.80 to SHOW..

    Hey Dirtyshirt, why don't you grow some BALLS and talk before the races start. Not hide in the bushes and be a BITCH when I lose.

    I don't hide from ANYONE..

    LOL. That piece of shit was all out for 3rd, and it was 8 lengths back to him from the top two. Horrible wager.

    Here's some quick advice - I don't need to grow BALLS and post predictions before races I don't have a clue about. No need to. I post before a race when I have valuable information about the race - not when I'm betting a race for the fuck of it. You're a losing bettor, period. I'm not even sure what you're trying to prove.

    I wanted to bet every race when I was 12, too. As you get older, you'll start finding the right spots.
  • ShowDoughShowDough Banned
    edited August 2012
    Dirtyshirt, with all your "Valuable Information" you must be related to Bernie Madoff.

    Why don't you get off my ASS and leave me alone.

    I bet to enjoy a race. And what does it matter how far back he was, I cashed a ticket.

    It sounds to me like you're just a grumpy BROKE old man, looking to pick a fight through the internet. Pretty pathetic of you isn't it?
  • ShowDoughShowDough Banned
    edited August 2012
    Race 3 Saratoga: Another race written for Todd Pletcher, guess P.J. Campo is on his payroll.

    But 1-Royal Art broke bad and closed nicely to the Pletcher runners, paid $ 3.20 to show.

    So I cashed 2/3 of 3 today. Maybe with my slight profit I can buy a NEW CLEAN SHIRT.

  • FlyinLateFlyinLate Senior Member
    edited August 2012
    ShowDough wrote: »
    Race 3 Saratoga: Another race written for Todd Pletcher, guess P.J. Campo is on his payroll.

    But 1-Royal Art broke bad and closed nicely to the Pletcher runners, paid $ 3.20 to show.

    So I cashed 2/3 of 3 today. Maybe with my slight profit I can buy a NEW CLEAN SHIRT.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but your title states a parlay? You missed a leg of the parlay...

    Edit: nm you doubled up @ race 2
  • SirBearSirBear Senior Member
    edited August 2012
    Just ignore Dirty, showdough. He's actually quite amusing. Every other word out of his mouth is fuck this and fuck that. He does seem to know a fair about horseracing but not as much as he thinks he knows. Anyway, like you said, another internet tough guy to be taken with a grain of salt. Keep posting your analysis! :drinking:
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited August 2012
    Let's not have another spat around here. Keep it civil, guys.
  • dirtyshirtdirtyshirt Senior Member
    edited August 2012
    ShowDough wrote: »
    2nd Race: 5-Yankee Mickey $ 3.80 to SHOW..

    Hey Dirtyshirt, why don't you grow some BALLS and talk before the races start.

    I don't hide from ANYONE..
    ShowDough wrote: »

    Yes my parlay lost, but I did bet Haldane to W-P-S.


    You lost. But then after the race you won on your other bet you didn't tell us about? Whatever you say 12 YO Ukrainian boy.
  • ShowDoughShowDough Banned
    edited August 2012

    This is the LAST time I'll respond to your insanity.

    I post my picks early, then I'm at the track, Do I feel the need to tell you what I'm doing ..HELL NO..

    About me being a 12-YO boy, try a man in his early 50's . You seem to be the ONLY Dick on this site. So you have accomplished something in your life.

    Consider yourself luck that I took my Happy Hour time to respond to you...

    I am done with you..

    PS- if you would like to ever discuss your obsession with me man to man let me know.
    But I'm sure you'll never offer that.
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited August 2012
    Like i said before..............KEEP IT CIVIL PLEASE

    Nobody wants another spat around here.

    Dirty, EASE UP on the new guy. If he wants to post show parlays, whatever. That's his business.

    And New Guy (ShowDough), we don't appreciate back-and-forth insults on this forum. It's a good way to get yourself banned. And yes, that goes for Dirtyshirt also....
  • IlovewinsIlovewins Senior Member
    edited August 2012
    dirtyshirt wrote: »
    LOL. That piece of shit was all out for 3rd, and it was 8 lengths back to him from the top two. Horrible wager.

    Here's some quick advice - I don't need to grow BALLS and post predictions before races I don't have a clue about. No need to. I post before a race when I have valuable information about the race - not when I'm betting a race for the fuck of it. You're a losing bettor, period. I'm not even sure what you're trying to prove.

    I wanted to bet every race when I was 12, too. As you get older, you'll start finding the right spots.

    I'm not wanting to get into a debate , but i was reading through some post here to get familiar with all of the players here and read what you posted yesterday. I have to disagree here. everyone bets how they see fit for themselves- whether it is 1 race a day or 20. I happen to bet many. i like to bet and pick races everyday. I actually live for it. Most races i bet the minimum ( $ 2 increments, but do place much larger wagers when i feel great about a pick. spreading the $ around with many races can work if you know what your doing and stick with it. For most educated cappers - spreading $100 per day among many races will either make a decent profit or only be in the red a few bucks. It only takes a couple hits to break even with this strategy. But again to each is their own. Pick and do what works for you and dont be so concerned how others bet...
    GL with your selections
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