Apology to all for this Post Please Read

Horsin~AroHorsin~Aro Senior Member
edited September 2012 in Horse Racing Forum
I will apologize up front here as i was going to post this in the FFL but only allows for 255 characters but this post does pertain to all of us here at HRT and also what has spewed over to FFL. Just wanted to put out a little opinion here because we are all men and laidies here.
IMO we should all try and respect others though at the same time, and not saying as picking on at all, we do all have different personalities. DirtyS can can use some of the 7 words you can't say on telivision, but uses them in regular posts, uses them if he makes a bad play, uses them in general....it is part of personality. I think some things said from dirty get taken out of context like he is really trying to be hurtful when i really dont feel that that has been much the case but just his personality getting blown out of proportion. To me it is nice seeing the mix of all the personalities, even sometimes the clashes. Possibly we should in hrt create a thread just for the teasing, busting balls and whatnot with the rule of no threatening. that i dont believe is a tolerable thing no matter who the person. This way if someone wants to start a little crap then everyone has the option to go on the thread and read it or just ignore it. possibly some steam can get blown off that way. (Humor) Dirtyshirt id call you an asshole for picking that 5 horse......but i picked it too.... That i could say to DS and get away with, would think twice about saying it to DC and would never ever say it to w2w......why, personalities......lets all fit in, we all offer great things to this forum.


  • John GreenhawJohn Greenhaw Senior Member
    edited September 2012
    you can say anything to me that you want to. At my age, my skin is pretty thick!
    Currently, I'm just trying to zero in on a couple of races daily. Problem is that my info is not very timely as of late. Seems everytime I get a line on a good one, weather or late sct. Nevertheless, I have all my feelers out right now for the Keeneland Meet and the Super Saturday card at Belmont in late September. Will advise when info is real info.

    I will admit that I am just a little burnt out due to bad luck with my horses. Glackety was going out of form so we dropped her in for a $10k clm and she got picked up . No published works since and I suspect new owners are looking at the upcoming broodmare sale? Partnership meeting of owners of Austin Brown voted to dissolve the partnership due to his complete lack of interest in being a racehorse. One of the partners in Augusta offered to give him a home and re-train him to be a saddle horse. Real Ball-Buster of an investment on this one, just glad I need a write-off with the price of corn this year. Same with Forum last year, breaks maiden at Saratoga and never runs a lick thereafter, one injury after another. Then Palice Malice, Deja Vu on the injury crap. You never know how they will come back?
    Enough crying in my beer, nobody ever committed suicide that had a two-year-old in the barn! Full Speed ahead!
  • Horsin~AroHorsin~Aro Senior Member
    edited September 2012
    I hear ya, we cant wait till you hit that upswing again. funny how i am guessing owning and handicapping are so much the same... always 12 foot seas and hoping to catch the right wave.
  • FlyinLateFlyinLate Senior Member
    edited September 2012
    I had this conversation with JG when he came to visit Chicago and we agreed people need to grow some thicker skin. It amazes me how quickly something somebody says online can affect someone and quickly escalate. Part of horse racing is about the comradery and busting balls. When I go to the track with friends, half of it is laughing at the performance of another's horse and the following race celebrating when that same person brings home a winner. The only thing that nags at me is the few posters who tend to post ONLY negatively. I don't feel like naming names, but I can specifically recall FB posting up winning plays several times in a row, and one poster chose to only reply negatively on his one losing day instead of thanking him for the increased bankroll he likely generated for him the week before. When I have a bad day I don't mind a few shots from the peanut gallery about my horses, its when the name calling, fight picking, and complaining rolls out that I have an issue. I feel like this forum has exceeded the simple selection posting and has pushed many to a personal level where we can joke around, argue in fun, and seriously converse on races without feeling inappropriate as one would talking with a complete stranger. I wish everyone the best of luck this weekend with their wagers and apologize that my lack of diligence in the FF League may have stirred up some of these issues. Good riddance ShowDough (sorry, I had to) :thumbup:
  • Horsin~AroHorsin~Aro Senior Member
    edited September 2012
    No need for apologies you had the 2nd most important dates of your life and maybe the most important if you do not have children. I hear ya too!! and second it. What I said too is not that i think John would get mad at me, I have just never seen a fould word in any post from w2w and i will always respect that and never use one in any post with him. we are all fair game for a good ribbing at times though.
  • wire2wirewire2wire Senior Member
    edited September 2012
    I use my profanity at my screen...my pc knows alot of those 7 words...I taught them to it...LOL...I sometimes vent but try to keep it clean...I do not get offended if someone throws a 4 letter word my way...just chalk it off to a limited vocabulary...GOOD LUCK & GOOD RACING TO ALL...John
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited September 2012
    I agree 100% that Dirtyshirt generally doesn't mean anything by his sometimes-salty language, and that those unfamiliar with him (i.e. those new to the forum) are far-and-away the most likely to take offense from it. I do however wish that Dirty would take this into account more often. This isn't the first time this sort of thing has cropped up. That being said, Dirty made one comment and let it go. The other guy did not. Probably for the reasons mentioned above.

    As for a "Rated R" thread, i have no real problem with it, except that some people (not so much the regulars, more so the newer posters) might take it to mean that it's open season to start picking fights and calling names and whatever. Fine if it stays in that thread (i guess), but i would think it start spilling over into the main forum pretty easily.

    You guys know i try to be as tolerant as i can with that type of stuff, but when things turn ugly, it becomes a problem. Luckily we've been able to avoid that stuff for the most part (maybe once or twice a year we run into it?), and i think that a major reason why many serious, thoughtful handicappers tend to post here. There are too many forums around where anything goes, and people act like children.

    I'll let you guys decide whether you want to go with a Rated R -type thread. Not really my cup of tea, but whatever. It certainly wouldn't bother me, as long as it's all in good fun and doesn't start causing problems with people getting upset and constantly lashing out and what-not. Then it's not fun anymore.
  • Horsin~AroHorsin~Aro Senior Member
    edited September 2012
    I just thought it might keep alot of it out of the regular posting. As for being tolerant, DC i think is very and does allow all of our different personalities. Getting a little worked up or even maybe a little more than a little at times is understandable but (I had nothing ever personal or bad to say about showdough BUT) Threatening is way too much out of control and DC i think did the right thing hitting the ban button.
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