Site for Horse Racing Art/Photos/Memorabilia?

FlyinLateFlyinLate Senior Member
edited August 2017 in Horse Racing Forum
Anyone have a good site for some nice horse racing home decor? Looking for framed photos, art work, possibly other items. Finishing the basement and it'll be themed in horse racing and Chicago Cubs :drinking:


  • shh10shh10 Senior Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm not aware of any dedicated sites, but eBay and craiglist have some good stuff every once and a while. Do a "tempest" or "all" craiglist search to find something being unloaded that the owner isn't aware of the value. You may have to pay a little extra for shipping. Good luck!
  • fbwinnersfbwinners Senior Member
    edited August 2017
    FlyinLate wrote: »
    Anyone have a good site for some nice horse racing home decor? Looking for framed photos, art work, possibly other items. Finishing the basement and it'll be themed in horse racing and Chicago Cubs :drinking:
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