The latest on the Santa Anita fiasco...

DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
edited January 2008 in Horse Racing Forum
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

- The California Horse Racing Board approved the transfer, if necessary, of racing to Hollywood Park from Santa Anita; and Del Mar has been placed on alert to make their stable area and Poly Track available for training.

However, SA president (and new Magna COO) Ron Charles said that the switch may not be necessary, rain or shine.

"We're going to come forward with a contingency plan that will allow us to race safely, even in the rain," he said. "We plan an announcement in the next 48 hours." Charles said the solution would allow horses to train over the main track as well. [Bloodhorse]

There's speculation that the track has applied for a temporary waiver to the synthetic track mandate which would allow them to replace the Cushion Track with a substance called dirt.


  • wire2wirewire2wire Senior Member
    edited January 2008
    This dirt stuff is fairly new in racing.I hear they are also experimenting with a strain of grass called turf.Newer is not always better.w2w
  • turfmanturfman Senior Member
    edited January 2008
    1st thing they should have done was check their drainage system
    someone should be fired twice, this is straight bull-shit
    i can't take another 80 days at hollywood park!!!!
  • daviddavid Banned
    edited January 2008
    HI CAT
    how about giving out some gulfstream for a change of pace thanks
  • FlyinLateFlyinLate Senior Member
    edited January 2008
    wire2wire wrote: »
    This dirt stuff is fairly new in racing.I hear they are also experimenting with a strain of grass called turf.Newer is not always better.w2w

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