Senior Member
By the looks of the graded earnings it seems that Dunkirk is pretty much going to be in the starting gate. All Dunkirk followers get ready to fire away on Derby Day.
I did not believe he had a shot at beating Quality Road and still don't but I believe he is better than IWR any day of the week.:shrr:
Holy shit. We agree on something :laugh:
See that ..... it was bound to happen. How not to notice the move Dunkirk made at the top of the stretch. That was more impressive than anything I saw in the Wood.:toast:
Woops! Misread your post :shifty:
I'm actually quite the I Want Revenge supporter.
Quality Road is a nice horse, I just don't like him. Dunkirk to me is not ready for the derby. He just looked way too tired after the FL Derby. Add in another 1/4 mile, better horses, and a much larger field and he gets wrecked.
The top of the stretch is where QR began leaving Dunkirk on the dust. I've never seen a horse receive so much credit for flattening out. It's amazing.
Still waiting for someone other than myself to mention Win Willy's move, btw. For some reason, it hasn't received nearly as much attention. I wonder why that is?
Win Willy ? Caught an overrated Old Fashioned that moved to soon. If Dunkirk gets into the Derby come back and tell where he finished and then tell me where Win Willy finished.... I'll wait....
Valid point... I guess I will have to see another race from Win Willy to be a believer.:thumbup1: