Braves +200

DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
edited June 2009 in Horse Racing Forum
I pointed out Jurrjen's home problems last week.

Meanwhile, Pirates starter Morton makes his 2009 debut after pitching gereat at the TYreiple-A level for Atlanta (he was part of the McLouth trade), going 7-2 with a 2.26 era and 1.02 whip while sporting an excellent 3/1 strikeout-to-walk ratio.

He did pitch poorly in the majors for Atlanta last year, but it seems as though he may have turned a corner this year, and the good news is there shouldn't be a "butterfly effect" as he's already pitched several times in Turner Field, The bad news though is that he was Braves property up until last week, so despite coming in from the minors, the opposing team will have an in-depth scouting report here.

Still though, at the huge price i think Morton and the Pirates are worth a shot here. This game does not appear to be a mismatch.


  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009
    your headline says Braves +200 I know u mean Pirates....I'd advise against this play....this kid sucked in the majors and Jurrgens has been great....I'm on the Cards tonite....also Clev, Phil, and Nats....
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited June 2009
    Yeah, typo in the thread title. Meant to say Pirates +200. Sorry for any confusion.
  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009
    no confusion for me....pirates just blew a big chance to get on top....they really suck DC....suprised at your choice....of course anything can happen but there are a lot of nice choices on the card tonite and that to me would not be one of them....
    edited June 2009
    Bet $200 On Your Braves Just Go It In ...thanks Cat
  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited June 2009
    Morton just left the game with some type of injury. Terrific.
  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009
    Part of game. You got the lead. I have delgado and Hamilton on my fantasy team. I know about injuries in this game
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited June 2009
    Pirates win, 3-2.
  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009
    Nice win. Are you gonna start charging for these now mr. Discreet?
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited June 2009
    Maybe i should. I have no plans to do that, however.
  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009
    well I'd never pay....I think I'm pretty good in bases but I post where I'm supposed to....amongst other knowledgable sports enthusiasts....
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited June 2009
    If you guys don't me to post picks, i won't post picks. Doesn't matter to me. I thought i was helping out a bit, but i guess i'm just a nuisance. You know, with the constant pimping of my website, and all those terrible horseracing articles that i post. I don't know how you guys put up with me...
  • FlyinLateFlyinLate Senior Member
    edited June 2009
    If you guys don't me to post picks, i won't post picks. Doesn't matter to me. I thought i was helping out a bit, but i guess i'm just a nuisance. You know, with the constant pimping of my website, and all those terrible horseracing articles that i post. I don't know how you guys put up with me...

    Ignore the haters. Please continue the horse and sports related plays.
  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009 of no name....listen....I'm not a hater....I'm a realist...when I got sick last year I wanted to play the horses so I turned to you....I stood with you and you did not deliver....You are pimping your website here with every post....don't come off like your mr. benevolent here....your motivation is too hopefully have people join your service...your website does not include your past performance because I'm sure it would scare potential suckers....oops....customers away....yes I was a sucker once...I kept thinking you would pull out of your funk but you really never don't act like a martyr and a nice took my money and gave me a man and return it and then I'll change my the mean time some others have shared their biography and you have still hidden behind the horse real DC just be your record...not just the ones you post it all....everyday after the races....G911 posted it for all to see and answered hid behind that website and became available only when it was time to pay....
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited June 2009
    jtc1984 wrote: » of no name....listen....I'm not a hater....I'm a realist...when I got sick last year I wanted to play the horses so I turned to you....I stood with you and you did not deliver....You are pimping your website here with every post....don't come off like your mr. benevolent here....your motivation is too hopefully have people join your service...your website does not include your past performance because I'm sure it would scare potential suckers....oops....customers away....yes I was a sucker once...I kept thinking you would pull out of your funk but you really never don't act like a martyr and a nice took my money and gave me a man and return it and then I'll change my the mean time some others have shared their biography and you have still hidden behind the horse real DC just be your record...not just the ones you post it all....everyday after the races....G911 posted it for all to see and answered hid behind that website and became available only when it was time to pay....

    Oh boy, where do i begin...

    You claim to be a realist, but now you want a refund after subscribing to a handicapping service that didn't perform to your liking. As Edward stated in the new posting rules, words like "guarantee" should never be used when it comes to gambling. And i've certainly never used them during my handicapping career, either before or after i started my site. Why? Simple. Because it's GAMBLING. Pardon me if my picks are not foolproof, and immune to losses during any given subscriber's duration. If you want guarantees, look somewhere else.

    Secondly, i do not pimp my website with every post, as i've seen numerous people suggest over the last few days. Unless maybe you count my signature. Other than the free play i post here roughly once a week, i barely mention my site at all. I don't come running on here and post about the great week i'm having, or so on and so forth, because it's not relevant here and it's not verifiable anyway. What is verifiable are the picks i've posted right here on this site over the last couple of years (just over 200 in total). So are the picks i posted on LVA for about a year before HRT opened.

    It's true, my website does not include an updated record, because customers are always coming and going, and the website record is not verifiable to anyone who hasn't been a subscriber from the beginning (and there are a few). That being said, obviously i do know what my complete site record is, and i've supplied it to anyone who asks, whether they're a subscriber or not. I'd be more than happy to post it here, but Edward states in the new posting rules that any record of picks that isn't verifiable within this forum will not be allowed. If he says it's okay for me to post my complete website record here, i'll be more than happy to do it. Short of that, i can do it via private message, i guess.

    Don't say that i "took your money and gave you nothing". We both know that's not true. I supply gambling/horseracing information, which include analysis, just as everyone has seen here in my free plays. If the picks don't win, there's nothing i can do about that. Again, i offer no guarantees, and never have. If you lost during the duration of your subscription, i'm sorry, but that's the chance you take. Hell, that's the chance that i take, because i DO bet all of my own plays (passing only the ones where i feel the post-time odds are too short). If i'm losing, there probably aren't many out there who are feeling it worse than i am. And i do occasionally hit some bad runs, there's no doubt about that. I had a terrible losing streak last June, and an absolutely hideous one last year that started right after the Breeders Cup and continued into about mid-January. I lost a lot of money during that time. So i'm sorry if you lost, but there's nothing i can do about it. I lose sometimes also. But i'll put my long-term record up against anyone's. How many other horse handicappers have a completely verifiable long-term record that matches mine? Sure, there are other good handicappers out there, and i don't claim to be the best. But i defy anyone to point to another verifiable record that matches mine, for an equal number of picks. Every play i've posted here (or at LVA) can be pulled up by using the search feature. And believe me, i wouldn't have posted a running total along with my plays if i didn't expect to win. And i have won. That's a fact.

    Regarding the biography thing, you'll have to excuse me if i don't wish to post my name on the freaking internet, of all places. If you guys want to do it, that's up to you.

    Lastly, don't say i "became available only when it was time to pay". First off, i don't know what the hell you're talking about, but in any case, i've been available right here at HRT since the opening. I haven't gone anywhere, nor have i avoided anyone.

    Regarding the baseball picks i've posted this year, i've posted them mainly for fun. I do not operate a baseball service, nor do i give out baseball picks on my website. That being said, my baseball plays are undoubtedly out-performing many services who ARE charging for their plays (i'll tabulate my season record at HRT, and post it later). For this, i've had a few people complain about posting baseball picks on a horseracing site, make snide comments about how they're "sucker bets", or ask sarcastic questions about whether i'm gonna start charging for those as well. Like i said, as well as the picks have done, maybe i SHOULD be charging for them. But i haven't, and i'm not. If you don't like the baseball threads, don't read them. I don't see anything wrong with posting them though. Maybe they're a bit off-topic, but therm again this is a gambling forum.

    Btw, i'm sorry to hear that you were sick. I didn't know about that.
  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009
    Post your record on your don't have to it there so people know what they are buying...its called TRUTH IN ADVERTISING....its only fair....that is one lame excuse that people come and go and the record is not verifiable....people who had your service will know that during whatever time period they had the service that's what the record the record with the dates.... I know there is no guarantee....but your losing streaks last year were mostly during my subscrption....if you wanted to you could post your picks after every the fact that you don't leads me to believe that you are hiding something....and posting your first name is not a big deal....are you that paranoid??? And I'll reword my statement..."you took my money and gave me mostly losers" yes it was not nothing, but something....LOSERS.....and when i said you were only there for the money its true....I emailed you at different times and you never only responded when I sent money by opening up my account again....never an answer...also a little while back you got sick....I came on here and posted that and we all wished you well...I sent you an email....guess what....I'm still waiting for the thanks for your concern email or thank you on you know what....people my kiss your you know what on here but I think you are not very personable, nor very are not a guy that I can trust....have a good life....
  • rayphilrayphil Senior Member
    edited June 2009
    is this springer or hrt
  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009
    this isn't a show ray....this is the never gets a chance to come out behind the pomposity....this website lost a great capper we are stuck with schills....
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited June 2009
    Good grief. I am NOT untruthful or untrustworthy. I'm one of the most honest touts out there. How many touts are going to come out and publicly admit that they went through a huge losing streak, even months after it happened? If my picks are so incredibly bad, then explain to me how i'm showing over a 20% flat-bet profit from over 200 picks posted on this site? Yeah, they're bad alright. Just like i'm dishonest. Give me a break.

    Regarding your emails, i don't generally respond unless there's a valid question or concern. The reason i "only responded when you sent money" was to simply inform you that your payment had been received, and your account had been activated. I didn't realize that was so insulting.

    Regarding your well-wishes when i was sick, i got a few of those, but i didn't respond because i was laid up in the hospital. I believe i did come on here afterwards and thank everyone, however.

    I'm not going to respond to any more of your bashing. I've been way more than forthcoming here, more than i probably should have been. As mentioned above by Rayphil, this is a horseracing forum, not the Jerry Springer show. Any similar posts by you will be deleted. You've had your say, and i've had mine. Leave it at that. If you don't like my service, then don't use it. Pretty simple.
  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009
    Ok Mr. Moderator....what a joke this sight is now
  • DiscreetCatDiscreetCat Moderator
    edited June 2009
    One last thing. I just added up my record during your most recent subscriptiuon period (to see what you were so upset about), and it's showing a 12% flat-bet profit. Un-freaking-believable.

    I'm sending you a PM with the actual numbers...

    Actually, it looks like Edward has turned off the private messaging. I'm sending you an email instead.
  • jtc1984jtc1984 Banned
    edited June 2009
    don't lost with me....count the whole time not the last are such a manipulative'll be alone here soon....this place is emptying out now....good luck selling your picks elsewhere....
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